From 1 December to 24 January 2025, you'll have two months to submit your request.
We've got you covered with all the details in our maturity brochure below.
The amount you receive in cash will be the difference between the discounted price and the Flutter share price at the time you choose to exercise your options.
Upcoming change of shareplan provider
On 20 January 2025, Flutter will be changing share plan administrator from Shareworks to Computershare. As a result, the platform you currently use to manage your share plan and shares will change to Computershare's platform, EquatePlus.
To implement this transfer of provider, Computershare will need to introduce a brief 'freeze period' on all transactions, commencing Friday 3 January until close of business on 17 January.
During this timeframe, no exercises can be submitted. Therefore, if you wish to exercise prior, please allow sufficient time to ensure your instruction is completed. Please refer to the Maturity brochure for more information.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered here, just email the team:
For any help accessing or managing your Shareworks account,
contact the team at Morgan Stanley at Work:
+44 (0) 2074251075
(8am to 6pm GMT Monday to Friday)
Note: Service is available from Landline and Mobile only. These numbers will not work via Zoom or any other Internet phone line.