Your 2021 Sharesave is complete, and now it's decision time!
From 1 December to 31 May 2025, you'll have six months to decide what to do with your savings. If you've taken a savings break during your Sharesave, you'll finish saving a bit later.
You have three options, and we've got you covered with all the details in our brochure. Take your time to review everything and choose what works best for you. The decision is completely up to you.
Hold onto your shares and stay with us on our journey. If Flutter grows, so could the value of your shares when you decide to sell them.
If the current share price is higher than €126.96, selling could give you an instant cash gain.
Simply take back everything you've saved – it's as straightforward as that.
Upcoming change of shareplan provider
On 20 January 2025, Flutter will be changing share plan administrator from Shareworks to Computershare. As a result, the platform you currently use to manage your share plan and shares will change to Computershare's platform, EquatePlus.
To implement this transfer of provider, Computershare will need to introduce a brief 'freeze period' on all transactions, commencing Friday 3 January until close of business on 17 January.
During this timeframe, no exercises can be submitted. Therefore, if you wish to exercise prior, please allow sufficient time to ensure your instruction is completed. Please refer to the Maturity brochure for more information.
Եթե ունեք հարց, որին այստեղ պատասխան չի տրվել, պարզապես ուղարկեք նամակ թիմին՝
Shareworks հաշիվ մուտք գործելու կամ կառավարելու հետ կապված ցանկացած հարցով դիմեք Morgan Stanley at Work թիմին.
+44 (0) 2074251075
(GMT՝ երկուշաբթիից ուրբաթ, ժամը 8:00-ից 18:00)
Նշում: Ծառայությունը հասանելի է միայն ֆիքսված կամ բջջային հեռախոսներից: Այս համարները չեն աշխատում Zoom-ի կամ այլ ինտերնետային հեռախոսահամարների միջոցով: